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ISAPS Announces New Educational Collaboration with Paradigm Medical Communications, LLC

Join experts Dr. Patricia A. McGuire, Dr. William P. Adams Jr, and Dr. Caroline Glicksman for this 1.25-hour, interactive CME-certified, on-demand webinar.

The faculty will discuss BIA-ALCL, including its presentation and relative risk, current research on its etiology and prevention, protocols for appropriate management of asymptomatic patients with textured implants, and effective plans to educate and communicate with patients who have implants or are considering them.

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): Managing New and Current Patients, Reducing Risk
Release Date: April 30, 2022, EDT

End Date: April 30, 2023, EDT

This 1.25-hour, CME-Certified On-Demand Webinar is FREE!