What We Do
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) is the world’s leading professional body for board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons.
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) is the world’s leading professional body for board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons.
ISAPS mission is three-fold: to continually educate our members in new procedures, techniques, and options in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery; to accurately inform the public; and to promote patient safety. ISAPS is a forum for the interchange of ideas and knowledge for the advancement of aesthetic plastic surgery.
Want to become a Member?
It's never been a better time to be part of the ISAPS community, for reasons that benefit not just you, but also your patients, your practice and your profession. For many people, looking for a plastic surgeon feels like searching for a diamond in a field of glass. Your membership in ISAPS gives you a “shine” of quality that sets you apart from your competitors. Interested in becoming a member?
Continuing education & training
Each year, ISAPS holds an annual scientific congress and sponsors and endorses many other scientific meetings worldwide where the latest information, research, and procedural and technical advances are discussed and demonstrated. ISAPS also provides online webinars, a virtual journal club, access to ISAPS Medone, and the ISAPS Video Library. These vital services help ISAPS ensure that the Society’s members are knowledgeable in rapidly changing and improving surgical techniques, equipment, and medical supplies vital to this field.
ISAPS publishes an indexed academic journal every two months called Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The Journal offers authors online manuscript submission and access to current and archived issues also available online. The Journal is provided to all members of the Society as a member benefit.
ISAPS publishes an online blog, a quarterly e-newsletter, ISAPS News, and a monthly e-magazine, ISAPS President's E-Mag, each covering all aspects of aesthetic plastic surgery and news about our Society.
Our vision is for safe and effective aesthetic procedures and improved quality of life for all patients worldwide. To achieve this ambitious goal, we provide guidelines for patients about procedures, how to find a surgeon or about considering traveling abroad for a procedure.
ISAPS' Bylaws are the rules by which our Society is governed, and all ISAPS members are expected to abide by our Code of Ethics.
ISAPS membership offers you the chance to be counted among the most highly respected group of aesthetic plastic surgeons worldwide. Join a community of surgeons who are committed to patient safety, the advancement of knowledge in our field, and mutual support of members of the ISAPS family.
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