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Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery (MTF GRS)

Male to female Gender reassignment surgery (MTF GRS) is a complex and irreversible genital surgery for male transsexual who is diagnosed with Gender identity disorder and has a strongly desire to live as female. The procedure is to remove all male genital organs including the penis and testes with the construction of female genitalia composed of labia major/minor, clitoris and neovagina simultaneously.  

The patient who is fit for this surgery must strictly follow the standard of care set by the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) or equivalent criteria; Express desire or live in another gender role (Male gender) long enough, under hormonal replacement therapy, evaluated and approved by a psychiatrist or other qualified professional gender therapist. 

Apart from genital surgery, the patient would seek other procedures to allow them to live as female smoothly such as breast aesthetic surgery, facial feminization surgery, body contouring, hair removal, voice change surgery, etc.

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Useful Information

Ensure you consider all aspects of a procedure. You can speak to your surgeon about these areas of the surgery in more detail during a consultation.


Labia majora augmentation with autologous fat typically takes between one to two hours depending on whether it is performed with combined procedures or not.

Labia majora augmentation with hyaluronic acid takes between 30-40 minutes and it can be done at the office.


For better results and more comfort, local anesthesia and light sedation is the rule for the labia majora augmentation with autologous fat. However, local anesthesia, general anesthesia or pudendal blockage may be chosen.

For labia majora augmentation with hyaluronic acid, topical anesthesia and lidocaine mixed with the hyaluronic acid may be enough.


When labia majora augmentation is done with autologous fat, the patient can leave the surgical facility the same day after recovery from anesthesia.

Additional Information

Autologous fat

  • Liposuction of areas with fatty deposits
  • In our population, such deposits are not scarce
  • Used as a filler, it has no extra cost
  • Low risk of allergic reactions

Hyaluronic acid

  • Indicated in small augmentations
  • It can be an office procedure


Autologous fat

  • Variable, unpredictable, and interpersonal resorption (30-50%).
  • Fatty cysts if excessive filling.
  • Increased risk of infections

Hyaluronic acid

  • Requires a series of touch-ups to achieve the desired volume.
  • Increased risk of allergic reactions.
  • Dose-dependent price.
  • Lasts about a year.
  • Less elastic touch and nodules.
  • Inflammatory reactions (rash, edema, erythema)

When Labia majora augmentation with autologous fat the area may be swollen for 4-6 weeks. Return to work is possible after 2-3 days. Sexual activity and sports are allowed after four to four-eight weeks.

When labia majora augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the incorporation into her habitual life is immediate.

With good surgical technique, the results are very satisfying with improved self-esteem.