Colleagues of our members can join our Affiliate program!
ISAPS members can now sign up their team members - nurses, assistants, managers and other non-surgeons you work with - for ISAPS Affiliate status. The benefits include:
- Discounted fees for ISAPS-organized events and courses.
- Free access to ISAPS monthly webinars.
- Receipt of, and option to submit articles to, ISAPS News.
- Targeted educational opportunities and peer group networking at future ISAPS events.
- The option of co-opted involvement on ISAPS committee projects.

Access to the program costs $100 per affiliate, per calendar year.
Ask your surgeon member to:
- Sign in to their Member Profile.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- Click the button marked 'ISAPS Affiliate Member Application'.
Please contact if you have any questions about this