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ISAPS Mentor Program

This program helps Resident and Associate members to find support from experienced colleagues and invites all members who have more than 10 years of practice to support highly motivated young talents as an ISAPS Mentor.

After finishing training, new challenges are waiting for young surgeons. Whether as a board-certified plastic surgeon working in a clinic or in a private office, new responsibilities demand one’s skills and strength. Especially in this period, ISAPS Mentor Program bolsters our young members with help in difficult plastic surgical cases regarding indications, best techniques and, if necessary, salvage procedures.

Mentor and mentee can connect via email or WhatsApp and have quick exchanges. ISAPS Mentor Program encourages our seasoned members to become an official ISAPS Mentor and our young members to take advantage of this treasure of experience.

Find out more about applying to become a mentor/mentee below.

What can I gain from the ISAPS Mentor Program?

Support From Experienced Colleagues

All of us admire our idols who revealed the secrets of aesthetic plastic surgery and helped us to survive during training the following years in practice.

ISAPS now helps Resident and Associate members to find support from experienced colleagues.

Making Connections

Many residents are looking for possible rotations during their training to improve their skills in different fields of plastic and aesthetic surgery that might not be offered in only one single clinic.

The mentor helps connect already established colleagues with young and highly motivated trainees.

Valuable Advice

Mentors give advice on choosing suitable meetings and courses for each level of training. Today a huge variety of aesthetic courses are offered and most young colleagues are not aware of what these entail.

In addition to the ISAPS endorsements, a personal mentor can help the mentee select the right meetings to get the most out of them.

Interested in Becoming an ISAPS Mentor?

In order to become an ISAPS Mentor, you must:

  • have been an Active member of ISAPS for at least 5 years;
  • be board certified for at least 10 years;
  • provide evidence of scientific talks and publications.

If you are eligible and interested, please contact us.

Become an ISAPS Mentor